Archive for November, 2013

November 15, 2013

Possible Worlds Vol. 2 microtonal compilation is available

The latest installment in our ongoing presentation of some of the finest contemporary xenharmonic (not 12-tone equal tempered) music available. Spanning five continents and showcasing a diversity of styles/genres, these twelve tracks provide multiple entry points into worlds inhabiting novel pitch space.

With music by Jacky Ligon, Mirjam Tally, Lewis Krauthamer, Lois Lancaster, Karen Keyhani, Christian Molenaar, Todd Harrop, Scott A. Moore, D. Edward Davis, Claudi Meneghin, Michael Vick and Kraig Grady.

November 11, 2013

Possible Worlds Vol. 2 sampler

Check out this sampler track from Spectropol’s upcoming (11/15) microtonal compilation, featuring excerpts from Jacky Ligon, Mirjam Tally, Lewis Krauthamer, Lois Lancaster, Karen Keyhani, Christian Molenaar, Todd Harrop, Scott A. Moore, D. Edward Davis, Claudi Meneghin, Michael Vick and Kraig Grady.